I met the Robert's Family a little over a year ago but never got the chance to meet their sweet Magdalena. Julie was scheduled to speak at my March for Babies kickoff lunch on a Thursday in January but the Tuesday before sweet Magdalena went to be with Jesus. Her funeral was held the very hour of our luncheon and Julie had a good friend come to replace her to speak about the Life of Magdalena.
They have become great friends and volunteers of the March of Dimes since the day they discovered their daughter would be born with Edwards Syndrome (Trisomy 18). In 2009 Magdalena's Feet team raised over $17,000 for March for Babies and are on track to do the same in 2010. BUT....they need your help!
Southern Belle designed a shirt for them to sell as a fundraiser and they want to sell as many as possible. Please leave a comment if you would like a shirt. And....go to http://www.noahandjulieroberts.blogspot.com/ for more of their story...Her version is much better than mine